Auto loan calculator

{$ 'Month' | translate $}Payment{$ 'Principal' | translate $}{$ 'Interest' | translate $}Total interest{$ 'Balance' | translate $}
{$ $index + 1 $} {$ item.month $} {$ item.payment ? (item.payment | number:2) : '-' $} {$ item.principal ? (item.principal | number:2) : '-' $} {$ item.interest ? (item.interest | number:2) : '-' $} {$ item.totalInterest | number:2 $} {$ item.balance | number:2 $}

Other tools

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Auto loan payment calculator

Auto loan payment calculator

A car loan is money you borrow from a bank to buy a car. In most countries, it is practiced to purchase both new and used cars on credit.

The terms of lending may vary depending on the country of purchase of the car, but there are common features in the process of obtaining a loan for a car. So, for example, wherever you take out a car loan, you will have to deposit your new car as collateral.

History of car loans

I wonder how much the number of cars on our planet will decrease if we remove all the cars bought on credit at once? According to statistics, when buying every third car in the world, a bank loan was used. It turns out that more than four hundred million cars traveling around our planet were purchased on credit.

There is nothing surprising in this, because if we compare the income levels of people and the cost of a car in any country in the world, we will see that it will take a very, very long time to save up for a brand new car. At the same time, everyone wants to sit behind the wheel of a car now and immediately. At such moments, a loan is a real salvation.

The emergence of the auto market was not as fast as it might seem to us. Its history begins with the advent of the first patented car - the three-wheeled car of Carl Benz (Carl Benz), created by him in 1885. After 5 years, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach announced the development of their car. Their car was called Daimler. But then there was no need to talk about the mass production of cars. All this led to the fact that only very wealthy people could afford to buy a car.

The ingenious designer and entrepreneur Henry Ford managed to make the car more accessible and popular among the masses. He created his legendary Ford Model T, thanks to which Ford managed to capture 50% of the US automobile market from 1908 to 1923.

Nevertheless, buying a car remained the prerogative of the wealthy stratum of society. The minimum cost of a car (Henry Ford managed to reduce it to $ 850) remained prohibitively expensive for the middle class.

Probably, buying a car would still be a dream for many today, if it were not for the mechanism of bank lending to automotive equipment that came to the rescue. In Europe and the USA, the procedure for issuing a car loan was developed already in the second half of the 20th century; in developing countries, this tool took root only at the beginning of the 21st century. The thing is that the development of the car loan market was possible only if there was a reliable banking system and the emergence of a credit culture among the country's population.

Initially, the idea of issuing a loan for a car loan was that the bank gave the client money to buy a car, while requiring the recipient of the money to provide collateral. The best collateral in this situation turned out to be nothing more than the car itself bought by the client. For those who consider the above condition to be bondage, let us recall that in ancient Assyria a person who did not repay a debt could be taken into slavery, so securing a loan with a newly purchased car is quite a civilized and humane tool for modern creditors.

If you look at this situation from the other side, then without the appearance of lending tools, many car owners would never have bought their cherished four-wheeled friend. Here we are seeing a situation similar to mortgage lending, the development of which has helped many families on our planet to purchase their own home.

Another question is the availability of car loans in different countries. For example, the size of the interest rate in the United States will depend on the condition of the car taken on credit: for a new car, this value will start from 2.13%, for a used car - from 2.28%. Despite such low rates by the standards of other countries, most Americans prefer to take a car on a long-term lease - leasing. For comparison, in Turkey and India, car loan rates on average range from 10 to 12% per annum.

But, whatever the interest rate on car loans, it generally reflects the financial situation in the country and is aimed at ensuring that the automotive market develops, including through the purchase of cars on credit.

Despite all the efforts of the world community to limit harmful emissions into the atmosphere from internal combustion engines, the automotive market continues to grow, creating conditions for the development of car lending tools. As a result, we get a process that is attractive to all its participants: factories produce cars, people acquire comfortable vehicles, banks receive huge profits from overpayments on loans. But, most importantly, everyone is happy with the result!

Auto finance calculator

Auto finance calculator

Purchasing a car on credit is a rather responsible task, because the cost of such a purchase is quite high. Many people deny themselves the pleasure of buying a new car just because they are afraid of huge overpayments and all sorts of risks associated with the lending procedure. But, if you approach the process wisely, you can become the owner of your own car on very favorable terms. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules.

What to look for when taking out a car loan

  • Don't rush to take out a car loan from the first bank you see. You should consider offers from several reliable financial institutions, carefully read their conditions, interest rates and additional offers, and make a decision only after studying all available information .
  • Please note that the car dealer may strongly recommend you a particular bank. Keep in mind that this is beneficial, first of all, to him, and not to you. Don't make hasty decisions. Tell the seller that you need some time to think.
  • When discussing the possibility of obtaining a loan for a car at the bank, take an interest in the current special offers and promotions. Employees of financial organizations may not give you complete information - it will not be superfluous to go to the official website of the bank and check everything data.
  • Do not forget that only superficial information can be contained in advertising booklets and presentations of a bank employee. Carefully read each paragraph of the draft loan agreement before agreeing to a car loan. This will save you from hidden fees and higher interest rates on the loan.
  • Insurance is an obligatory element of a car loan in many countries. This is a moment that should not be ignored, because standard insurance exempts you from loan payments in unforeseen cases. But you need to get acquainted with the insurance conditions more carefully: each insurance company will offer you its own payment options for premiums, and they can differ significantly.
  • Do not forget that with the purchase of a car, a certain amount will go out of your budget every month to repay a car loan. But this is not all the expenses associated with a car. Add to the monthly payment the cost of fuel, car wash, emergency repairs, annual mandatory insurance, vehicle tax and other expenses associated with maintaining your own car. Are you ready for such expenses?
  • Remember that a car loan differs from a regular consumer loan by the presence of a collateral. The same car that you are going to purchase will act as such collateral. This will not prevent you from using the car for its intended purpose, but may, for example, slightly complicate any procedures associated with it. For example, before you sell a car to another person, you will most likely need to pay off the full amount of your car loan.
  • There is a popular belief that you can only get a car loan to buy a new car. In most cases, this is not the case. Car loans are available for both unused and used cars. Differences in lending conditions for used cars can translate into a higher interest rate, and before buying a used car, you will be asked to invite an appraiser who will confirm that the car meets the requirements of the bank and can later serve as collateral.
  • Many states offer favorable car loan terms for their citizens. In order to use them, a number of conditions must be met. For example, in some countries, the work of local car factories is stimulated, and if you purchase a model produced in your country, you will receive a discount, subsidy or reduced interest rate. You can easily check all the necessary information on the official websites of organizations and departments related to stimulating the activities of automakers.

The purpose of this article is not to dissuade the reader from buying a car on credit. We want to remind you how important it is to approach the moment of signing a loan agreement, having the largest amount of information that will help you get a loan on optimal terms for you.